Our Snippets Of Knowledge Weekly Blog Series
The evolution of the original on-premises Microsoft SQL Server product has taken many different forms in the Microsoft cloud. The humble SQL Database as a managed platform resource means that the infrastructure, operating system, other SQL services such as SSIS/SSAS and even the SQL Instance itself can be avoided. Leaving only the required database management system (DBMS).
First released in 2010, the PaaS SQL Database means operational and administration teams can focus on other important tasks, leaving Microsoft to handle availability, backups and indexing, if requested. With compute allocated in a variety of serverless, dedicated and shared forms. All supporting turnkey scaling up/down and out with read only replication as required in hyperscale tiers. It means cloud native flexibility gets added to the compute and storage of the database service.
The standalone SQL Database does mean some compromises in terms of cross database querying and the use of native SQL Agent jobs. But the trade-off can be very affective for the right use cases, including analytics for smaller data warehousing requirements.
Lastly, a recently added feature of the product now allows for external API calls to be made to resources like Azure Functions directly for T-SQL code, meaning support for transactional and near real-time use cases for the now downstream applications.
See MS Learn for more information on this Resource here.
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